Recapp-Amen in HD Artist

AMEN IN HD 6 2 - DJ S-kam Zac

Today our Amen in HD Featured artist is a Kenyan based group called Recapp, The word Recapp comes from the musical term ‘recapitulation’ which means to go back to the beginning. Recapp’s mission is to go back to the beginning, which is God, as written in John 1.1. It also means restoration, from a state of […]

Amen in HD6-La Celebracion Edition

AMEN IN HD 6 1 - DJ S-kam Zac

Today the 18th of July is my birthday and am celebrating the life that God gave me, am so glad of how far he has brought me and I will forever bless his name and the theme verse for Amen in HD 6 of Psalms 34 :1 that states “I will extol the LORD at […]